STUDIOWORKS JOURNAL - Those who want to contribute a lesson to the Studioworks Journal

STUDIOWORKS LIVE EVENTS - Those who wish to host a live event to the Studioworks community.

STUDIOWORKS SUBMISSIONS - For Studioworks members to submit their work, classes, etc. they wish for us to share with the Studioworks community.

CREATIVE TEACHERS LAUNCH DATE CALENDAR - For teachers we’ve invited to launch a class on our platform. They will select their desired date to launch during the calendar year.

TEACHER CONTRACT FORM & LAUNCH DATES - For teachers to fill out in order to finalize their contract and select their launch dates.

CREATIVE PARTNERS - For teachers who have existing classes but wish to sell them on our network.

POTENTIAL TEACHERS - For people who have reached out and interested in launching with us. This form will help us evaluate their skillset and talents.

AFFILIATES - For anyone interested in becoming an affiliate partner.