We're excited to have you join us!

We are so thrilled you’re ready to join our growing group of amazing teachers!

Because you’ll be a part of our growing teacher network, we wanted to make sure you are able to take advantage of this unique partnership and benefit from this new growth. With this new membership, you’ll have the opportunity for continued exposure to thousands of Studioworks members. Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • Monthly exposure to our students through your classes and our “Creative Tribe”. Not only will this help grow your following but this will also allow our students to learn more about you, explore your website and follow you on social media.

  • You’ll also have the option to participate in our recurring monthly Studioworks revenue share. We’ve never been able to offer this additional opportunity before and we’re so excited to share this with you!

  • Opportunity to be showcased in our monthly online Studioworks Creative Journal. Every month, we’ll showcase a new artist to our members. It’s another way to be exposed to our growing community.

  • Earn extra monthly revenue by joining our affiliate program. You now have the opportunity to receive 30% of monthly recurring revenue from anyone who joins the Studioworks Creative Academy!

We’re so delighted to be able to offer this to our Creative Partners and we look forward to launching your class soon!

We’re excited to be working with you!


Let's get you launched!

Once you’ve filled out the information below, we’ll follow up with a contract to sign and more information regarding your classroom deliverables.

We’ll also provide you with our classroom handbook to guide you along the way as you begin creating your class. We want to make sure you have a successful class launch, so always feel free to reach out with any questions!