Teaching Opportunity!

We’re excited to announce that much planning is underway for Studioworks this year and we’re delighted to offer you the opportunity to teach one of our Studioworks Journal lessons! I will be teaching in several of the journals too but we always like to offer lessons from our community artists!

This coming year, we are focusing on different types of mediums for the lessons! From mixed media, collage, painting, drawing, and more. If you feel passionate about one of these mediums and would like to submit your ideas for teaching a lesson please fill out the Submission form below. If you have other mediums you’d like to share, we’re certainly open to that as well!

This is a fantastic opportunity to share your gifts with your fellow members and shine a light on any offerings you have such as classes, products or upcoming events! Your lesson will be greatly enjoyed by over 5,000 Studioworks members and become a part of our Studioworks library!

These slots will fill very quickly so if you are feeling the call to share and teach, grab a month now!

We look forward to your participation and can’t wait to share your wonderful talents with this community!

Much love and gratitude,





Do you currently have a class or lesson you’ve already created? That’s great! You can share an individual lesson from your class to be included with one of our upcoming Studioworks Journals. We’ll also include information about your current classes available to the Studioworks community.



If you’d like to create a special lesson for the Studioworks community, that’s wonderful! For anyone who wishes to create a custom lesson, we’ll pay $250 per lesson. You can choose up to 2 months in the year to create a lesson for Studioworks. Please select your desired date(s) and complete the form below. We’ll add you to our upcoming schedule for our monthly Studioworks Journal launches.

Once the month is over, you are welcome to share the lesson with your own audience, sell your lesson, share on YouTube, etc.


Each lesson should be between 30 mins - 2 hrs long and document your entire process of creating in the selected medium for the month. This could be a previous lesson that you’ve recorded or a completely new lesson. You should clearly guide the students and offer tips, techniques and other ideas to enhance the student’s knowledge of this medium.

Make sure your video is filmed in high resolution and your audio is clear and easy to hear. You will be supplied with a lesson outline to fill out your welcome message, supply list, lesson description and any upcoming classes, events or products you would like to highlight.

You will be required to be active with the students in the Studioworks Creative Academy on Facebook and answer any questions they might have.


Let's get started!