Painted hands, happy heart.

Hi lovely people, The last week of summer is upon us and the Newport household is ramping up for school. I'm ready. Grace is ready. It's time.

Back to routines, early nights and homework but the calming rhythm of each day helps me be more productive and less scattered. I'm looking forward to that!

I will be launching a new website, complete with those photo lessons that I mentioned in the last post plus much, much more! I've truly committed to making Art the focus of my career and it feels really good!

On those rare, beautiful days this summer when I was able to get my hands dirty and create - those were my happiest days! Sharing that with the girls has been so special too.

girls and me painting

When Mommy is happy, everyone is happy right? Even though at times I had to push aside the laundry or let those dishes sit in the sink a while longer, I found that when I made Art, it made me feel alive! It gave me energy and a giddiness that was contagious with my family.

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My most recent work, began with a flurry of paint, collaged paper and stencils. I have really enjoyed developing these layered backgrounds to begin the piece. I'm also kinda loving the larger canvas! This one is 24" x 30". Big for me, as many of you know!Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 2.05.15 PM

Here are some close ups of the canvas...Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 2.05.25 PM

Then came the girls. Three sisters was my first idea. Not that I have sisters but I love the concept of the three Graces so that's where I started from...Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 2.05.35 PM

As I worked on it one afternoon, Grace strolled in and said, "Oh Mommy! I love it! It's us!"

I turned, about to correct her when I looked at it again.

As if to explain herself she pointed to each girl. "This is you, at the top because you are the Mommy and you are protecting us. That's why your eyes are open. The next girl is me because I am the older sister and I have brown hair and the littlest girl is Claire because she has blond hair and she is the youngest."

I stood back, amazed at her perception and how I had completely missed it!!

She went on to say, "And the flowers that come up from the bottom are about us growing up into women."

I was completely blown away. My 8 year old little art critic had just analyzed my piece before I had even the inkling of its meaning.

I smiled at her and said, "I think you are absolutely right!"

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So the three Graces became me and my girls and I'm perfectly happy with that!  It now hangs in my studio, right next to my desk and serves as a wonderful reminder of my connection to my sweet daughters and how very important my job is as their mother and protector.

So what have you been up to creatively this summer? I would love to hear!

