Replay Now available

Only $47.00


Creativity is a portal to play!

The older I get, the less inhibitions I have about making a mess and finding the “gold” within it through creative process. Messing around (and finding out!) in art has helped me trust when things feel out of control in life. Something Always makes itself known and emerges from the messy abstraction! Better yet, what emerges is so often very beautiful. 

I’d love to share with you one of my favorite ways to paint.  
We’ll start with a watery “mess,” watering the page and intuitively letting the ink fall and flow where it will. Then we’ll see where our subject might emerge from, and paint the shape around our reference with thin washes of either inks or watercolors. This begins the transformation of the abstraction into an illuminated being through playing with how the background and foreground harmonically inform each other. Edges soften, drips tell a story, and light shines through thin ink washes that are gently shaped into form. 
Then it’s all about mark making and feeling into who or what else wants to emerge from the page. 

This process dances between surrender and control. Wild colors, inky artifacts, and just enough definition to know what or who you’re looking at! Let’s play!


Class Now Open

Only $47.00



What you’ll learn in the LIVE class…

Intuitive Painting Techniques

Learn to create art by intuitively letting ink and watercolors flow on the page.

Trusting the Creative Process

Discover how to embrace and trust the creative process, even when it feels messy.

Transforming Abstractions

Understand how to transform abstract shapes into beautiful, illuminated forms.


Mark Making and Detailing

Master the art of mark-making to bring out the essence of your subject.

Harmonizing Background and Foreground

Explore how the background and foreground can inform and enhance each other.

Balancing Surrender and Control

Learn to balance wild, intuitive creativity with enough control to define your artwork.


Class Now Open

Only $47.00




Who’s This Live Event For?

All are welcome!

Whether you’re new — or a seasoned artist, you’ll leave with something beautiful and new ways to play in the studio.

I’ll guide you both technically and as an “inner life wilderness guide” to the fullest of my ability.




Please shop your stash and use what you have on hand. Also, a part of the intuitive process is to use what you have on hand in the moment without overthinking it. This will be encouraged throughout the session. 

  • Acrylic inks 

  • Alcohol inks (optional) 

  • Watercolor paper. I recommend no smaller than 9x12”.

  • Brushes (flat for washes, filberts can be helpful)

  • Acrylic markers (optional but helpful)

  • Pan inks or watercolors 

  • Water 

  • Gold leaf and adhesive (optional) 

  • Stencils (optional)



Class Now Open

Only $47.00



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