Courage To Be Still
““I think that little by little I’ll be able to solve my problems and survive.””
To me, Frida is a great representation of courage but when we hear the word courage we often think of action- brave action, take charge kind of action. Quitting the job, confronting that person, leaving that marriage, speaking in front of crowds, wielding a sword, leading troops into battle, saving a child from a burning building and yes, most certainly these things take great courage.
BUT courage can be quieter. Courage can be subtle. Courage can be stillness. Courage might be one tiny change. One step towards the light.
It takes great courage to stop running. To turn around and really look at what has become of your life. It takes courage to choose differently. It takes courage to sit your ass down and write down what the hell is going on. To face what isn’t working anymore. To admit your part in it. To accept and forgive your mistakes. The lies you’ve told yourself. The comforts you chose over the truths.
It takes courage to stop the craziness. To step out of your lane. To stop doing what everyone else is doing. To say FU to the FOMO. To be still. To put down the damn phone. To be present. To stop competing and grasping and wanting and wishing and start living. To start breathing again. To start loving - yourself. Like never before.
These things also take great courage.
Wishing you great courage this week, the kind that leads you closer to the truer YOU and may you, little by little, solve your problems and survive (and thrive) in this beautiful, messy, painful, joyous, incredible life.
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