Student Spotlight : Janet Reid

Hello there beautiful friends! We are bathing in Spring sunlight here in Portland and it makes everyone a little giddy - me included! I've been super busy in the studio preparing for new classes and exploring lots of new techniques.

My students have also been busy bees - creating the most gorgeous art! I can't even express how much joy that brings me! So much joy that I have decided to start sharing these amazing artists with you! I will begin to do periodic Student Spotlight posts so you can witness the talent and beauty emerging from these shining souls!

Today, I want to introduce you to Janet Reid!


Janet has been a long time student and Facebook friend. I admired her work immediately and have since, seen her grow and expand her talents in great strides. She has an innate ability to compose lyrical and poetic arrangements. Both her digital and traditional collages beg the viewer to look deeper and wonder at the symbolism and mystery within.



I asked Janet a few questions so you guys can get to know her a little better - a peek into her beautiful mind and creative heart...

What inspires you?

Honestly....everything!  I am so lucky to live in a beautiful place--Santa Barbara--and all around me I see color, and texture, and composition just naturally occurring every day. I'm inspired by fellow artists, especially on Instagram.  Everyday I check my feed and feel like I'm being bathed in beauty and talent.  It's like artistic nourishment.  And I'm inspired by the wonderful teachers I've been so fortunate to have recently and all the work I have seen that has been shared in class Facebook pages.  Ivy has been an invaluable part of my artistic journey. She is a true inspiration!

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What are you trying to express with your art?

Different things at different times.  Sometimes it's a story or an idea I try to express visually.  Other times the art has "a mind of its own" and the concept or message becomes clear to me only after it's finished or during the process itself.  That's when it feels magical.  Being a mixed media artist gives me a lot of freedom to work both abstractly and figuratively and at times to combine the two.  What I hope gets expressed is the joy I feel when I am doing it.  Right now, my work with encaustic collage is like a dream come true.

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How do you deal with your inner critic and trust your creative instincts?

Oh, that little voice....usually I can silence her by just continuing.  Sometimes, I will hear her say, "Ok, that was a failure," but I've come to almost welcome that point.  That's when I give up trying to make something work and just see what will happen--the "I have nothing to lose" feeling.   Many times something even more wonderful comes out of that moment--the giving in.  Trusting my instincts has become a learned process.  My advice to anyone who struggles with this is to simply keep working, keep creating.  Try to do something creative each and every day--a snapshot with your phone or a full blown painting--it doesn't matter.  Just keep looking and seeing.


(I'm the proud owner of this one! I love seeing it hanging in my studio.)


This is only a small sampling of Janet's stunning work. Please check out her Etsy store! It's a visual delight! Other places to connect with Janet - Facebook & Instagram (her feed is YUMMY!).

I hope you have enjoyed viewing Janet's work and stay tuned for more Student Spotlight posts!

As always, thank you for your love and support!
