Brene Brown E-Course : The Gifts of Imperfection

Hi there friends! How are you? I hope the week has been treating you well. I'm slowly coming out of my creativity slump by doing mundane things like gutting my closet. It was a spiritual experience. Seriously. I removed 9 bags of old clothes, shoes and miscellaneous junk! It's embarrassing to admit but I had stuff in there from college...yeah...sad, I know. Now, when I walk into my closet I feel like I can breathe. celebration of my closet cleanse, I signed up for this. Go check it out if you have no time for shopping/get overwhelmed or just want a lovely treat delivered to your door! I loved it! Clearing old stuff brings in new energy and I've decided to help the process along by taking the new Brene Brown & Oprah E-course, which is accompanied by Brene's best selling book. I have had her book on my bedside for over a year. Just laying there. Waiting for me to pick it up and grow. Plus, the fact that this course involves art journaling really sealed the deal for me! I'm excited and I encourage you to check it out if you are feeling stuck in your own journey. Class starts Oct. 20th! Come join me!

Hope you all have a beautiful rest of the week!

