Birthday Party
I know I didn't post yesterday and I'm super late today but I have good reason. Grace is turning five tomorrow (I can hardly believe it) and it's been a whirlwind of activity! We have family in town, a party to throw...two actually, if you count the family gathering and tonight, her Nana and I decorated and loaded up bags of goodies for all the little girls that will be in attendance at the Princess themed festivities tomorrow. We wrapped up presents and laid out her party dress with a new pair of perfectly shiny, white patent leather shoes. Too cute! I think I've done everything on the why do I still feel flustered? oh well. Let's hope it goes well! I will be sure to take lots of pics to share with you! Okay, off to bed...this princess needs her sleep too!
Hope all is well in your world! Sweet dreams.
Image via here.