Cabin Couture

I've always been a sucker for a cozy cabin in the winter...but this home takes it to a whole new level and I'm all for it! Check out this sumptuous space - a lovely balance between rustic and elegant.

Don't you love those shots of royal purple? I do.

Bundle me up...I don't care how cold it is, I'm going to sit out here and drink wine!

I want that bed and that chaise...

Pure brilliance here - these bunk beds are perfect for the kids.

And of course after being a snow bunny all day, you'll need to defrost in this stunning tub.

Don't you wish you could spend your winter days in this space? Yum.

Okay...well, I have a sick husband and a hungry daughter so I best get back to my day job. Hope you enjoyed this beautiful home.


All images by Miguel Flores-Vianna via Elle Decor