When color is an option, the following colors must be used. No colors may be changed or altered on the logo.
The six colors on this page combine to create the Ivy Newport and Studioworks color palettes. The colors are used together to provide a strong visual link across our diverse creative community.
All colors should print equivalent to the values listed in the swatches opposite to preserve the integrity and color balance of the palette. Do not use screens or tints of the colors, in other ways, or other colors.
Important Note about Color
The examples shown here are for screen viewing only and will appear differently when printing from this screen. Be sure to use CMYK values in the final printer files. Do not use RGB values for printed material.
CMYK: C18 M35 Y21 K3
CMYK: C50 M1 Y22 K1
CMYK: C10 M28 Y50 K2
HEX: #D6BA87
CMYK: C29 M40 Y56 K15
HEX: #9C8869
CMYK: C54 M42 Y41 K29
HEX: #696969
CMYK: C0 M0 Y0 K90
HEX: #292929