Ivy Newport

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Art to Adore: Lifebook 2016 Students

Hi there! Happy Thursday! It's always a fun day for me because it's Studio Day with my art buddy, Robin Laws. We are going to be watching Katie Kendrick videos from her new online class and painting away!

So far, 2016 has been a whirlwind with many new classes that I am both taking and teaching for. One of which is Lifebook. This amazing class has over 2900 students all actively creating beautiful work. You should see my Facebook feed! While it is hard to keep up with, I am absolutely in love with all the art that flows through it from such talented students.

My bonus lesson for Lifebook aired on Jan. 4th and it was called "Patch it up, Make it Shine". The thought behind the tutorial was to write down limiting or negative beliefs and thoughts that we want to leave behind in 2015 and then collage and paint over these words with gorgeous metallics, powerful intentions and more illuminated imagery to light our path into 2016. I have been absolutely blown away by the pieces that have come from this project.

I have gathered a few of the ones that truly touched me with their beauty....enjoy....

Suzanne Diersing Kelly

Suzanne Marie Kelly

Alissa Millsap

Alissa Millsap

Catherine Randall

Catherine Randall

Sanela Sinikovic

Sanela Sinikovic

Maggie Johnson

Maggie Johnson

Victoria Engholm

Victoria Engholm

Aren't they just gorgeous? Such unique styles with shimmering details and personal meaning. I feel so lucky to be a teacher!

What intentions are you setting to light up your 2016?

