Paint & Pixels ART to Adore

Good Morning! I hope your week is off to a fabulous start! I’m here to share with you about how delighted and proud Robin and I are of our past Paint & Pixels Students! In fact, we made a little Art Show video to showcase the amazing talent pouring out of the online classroom and FB group! Take a peek and get your dose of gorgeous art for the day!

[vimeo 146202960 w=500 h=281]

Pretty awesome right?! Yes...these were all created on the iPad! Such a powerful creative tool!

We are also so thrilled to announce that due to demand, we have  re- opened up the doors to the Paint & Pixels classroom.

So if you missed it, you now have your chance to take this innovative class as a self-paced online study - at a very affordable price too!

paint & pixels self study buttonYou can read more and register below.


Have a beautiful week!
