An Angel's Wing

Hello there! What have you been up to? Art seems to be pouring out of me and I can't stop it! Nor do I want to! Working on the 100 faces project has really been very inspiring and I'm learning SO much!

I do love creating faces but it was nice this week to take a break from eyes, noses and mouths and work on a different piece for a dear friend...

Remember this one?

Screen Shot 2013-08-28 at 12.44.21 PM got a little makeover...

My friend had me add an Angel's wing to it...a brilliant idea!

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Then we had to have a little fun...Screen Shot 2014-11-19 at 7.08.25 PM

I was stunned to find that the wing fit her perfectly. So sweet!

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And then she took it home and put it right back up over the mantel. :)

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She loves it so much more now and I do too! I'm thinking I might have to do "Wing" series of works.

What have you been working on lately?

