Hydrating Rose Oil

The roses are blooming everywhere, so now is a great time to create your very own hydrating rose body oil.

The essential oil of roses is found to be very nourishing, moisturizing and restorative. It is good for almost all skin types and works well even with sensitive skin. The aroma is relaxing and heavenly. You will love making your own rose oil - plus it's easy!

You'll need:

1 cup fresh organic rose petals

1 cup sweet almond oil or sesame oil

1 wide mouth glass jar with a lid


1. Place roses in jar and gently crush to release their oils

2. Pour the oil over the petals.

3. Secure the lid and place the jar in a dark, cool place for a week.

4. Strain the oil and place into pretty bottle.

5. Apply after bath or shower while skin is still moist.




Image via Flickr