
Studioworks Creative Journal : Issue 3

Only $47.00


Your Online Creative Journal


Hello Creatives!

Welcome to Issue #3 of the Studioworks Journal! I can’t wait to share this wonderful journal with you.

In this creative journal, what I had planned out in my head for this issue was contradicting what my heart had already decided. When I pushed a little harder, I was met with a firm resistance. I had to stop, back up and take notice of what my heart was saying.

She whispered “Let us play… let us delight in magic. Let’s run away to far off shores, dance in forgotten castles, run through a sunlit forest, listen to sweet music, taste the sea air.”

It was then, I knew that this issue, it was time for us to take an adventure together.


“Savor life and all it’s magic.”
— Vincent Van Gogh

Join Us Inside Issue No. 3

Only $47.00

{ LIFETIME ACCESS • creative guidance • inspiration • and more }

What's inside your Creative Journal?

Practical Magic

Magic is all around us right? We hear this all the time but what does it truly mean and how does it connect to our creativity?

How do we stay connected to this beautiful energy? How do we embrace it and bring it into our everyday? Well, I’m happy to share that it requires a playful attitude, a child like curiosity and a departure from the very “adult” world around us.


power Word : Magic

While, there are several definitions for this word, we are focusing on this simple explanation. To see beauty and delight in our everyday world as a way of connecting to our inner artist and fueling our creativity. It’s easy to pass through our days unconsciously, seeing only the mundane but this is not the way of the artist. It is our natural way of being to see magic in the world around us. It is a necessary part of being creative.


Affirmation and color palettes

Each creative journal will have a positive affirmation to print and place inside your sketchbooks or somewhere in your studio. Saying words a loud is powerful and can begin to re-write some of our own limiting beliefs or calm our fears.

Each color palette included with your journal will help guide you through each creative lesson and exercise. Of course, you don’t have to adhere to this color palette, but you will see it reflected in the exercises and projects I share with you.


Your Creative Guide


Journey to a Magical Land

Every creative journal will take you on a journey or creative exploration. Inside Issue No. 3, we explore the magic of Ireland and their artisans.

Ireland has truly exquisite natural beauty! Let us begin here. Upon a velvety green hilltop, heather blooming, wind whirling around us. The sea glimmering in the distance. Whispers of ancient spirits, dancing druids, mystical mountains. Enjoy this video that embraces the true magic of Ireland!


Sketchbook explorations

Every issue we focus on sketchbook explorations, providing a cohesive theme for us to focus on. This will help unify our explorations and simple place to start when approaching a VERY white and VERY blank sketchbook.

Our sketchbook theme for this creative journal is magic and story. While these will mean different things to everyone, we will be doing some Irish themed work. We’ll learn more and sketch, paint and play with all the beautiful inspiration you cultivate!

We’ll explore…

  • Celtic Illumination Coloring: Celtic drawings and designs are so very beautiful and complex too! They are layered with symbol and meaning. 

  • An Irish Landscape: We’ve curated Irish landscapes just for you. Pick one you love and do a small painting or sketch of it in your sketchbook. 

  • Myth Inspired: From the stories we listened to or the Goddesses mentioned, sketch, collage or paint a scene, character or element of your choice. Listening and of course reading stories can cultivate such beautiful imagery for our inner artists, rich in wonder and magic.

  • and more…

Podcast and Curated Inspiration

Looking for more inspiration and resources? One of my favorite things to do is curate inspiration. Your Studioworks Creative journal includes everything from Pinterest boards to books, resources, playlists and more – I love to share anything that might facilitate learning, expansion, and sparks of curiosity!

Plus, you’ll also get to enjoy the Studioworks creative journal podcast… included with every issue!


Your Creative Journal Lesson


“Emerald Isle”

Oh this one was a delight to create! What began as a somewhat abstract landscape unfolded into a tranquil and magical scene complete with my sweet dream stone cottage, nestled among the emerald green of Ireland’s landscape.

I hope you can join us!


Join Us Inside Issue No. 3

Only $47.00

{ LIFETIME ACCESS • creative guidance • inspiration • and more }



Anyone! Aligning yourself with your creativity and investing in your process will bring you so much joy! Having continual access these wonderful creative journals is just the ticket to stay inspired and continue learning and exploring.

Plus, you will be in a community of like minded artists where you can connect, share and grow together!


Join us inside Studioworks!

90+ CREATIVE CLASSES - 17 creative journals


Did you know your Studioworks membership unlocks full access to over 90+ creative classes and so much more? No more waitlists or wishing you could join a class.

Plus, you’ll receive unlimited access to every issue of the Studioworks Journal. Each month you will be supported in your creative journey through teachings I will be sharing with you inside. This specially crafted online magazine will be packed with inspiration, guidance, creative prompts and sketchbook explorations.