Hello Creatives!
Welcome to Issue #2 of the Studioworks Journal! I can’t wait to share this wonderful journal with you.
In this creative journal, I’m excited to dive deeper into our creative practice and learn some ways in which we can cherish and nurture this path.
I know it’s still winter for many of us, but this issue overflows with growth, renewal and blossoming ideas. Our focus for Issue No. 2 is not all hearts and valentines but instead quiet connection, self love and learning to become the caretaker of our inner artists.
““We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us..””
Join Us Inside Issue No. 2
Only $47.00
{ LIFETIME ACCESS • creative guidance • inspiration • and more }
Nurture Your Nature
I want us to focus on effective ways to nurture our creativity. I mean truly nurture. To dig down deep and understand the exquisite beauty of our inner artists. How can we tend to their needs? Their wishes. Their desires. Their fears. Their dreams. How can we hold ever so tenderly that creative being inside us?
Meditation, I have learned, truly helps center me and assists with connecting to my creative self. One short and sweet mediation I recently discovered is by Rebecca Campbell, author to Light is the New Black book.
I encourage you to try it.
power Word : Nurture
Yes, our word for the month will involve the entirety of this definition. It is an active word, not some sweet notion. To Nurture our creativity we need to be ready and willing to get our hands dirty, to rip away what is no longer serving us, to deeply drink in what our creativity needs and requires. To fiercely protect our tender leaves and budding blossoms. To heal, to soothe, to listen and have courage. This is what our creativity needs from us.
Let’s do our first act of Nurturing…
Affirmation and color palettes
Each creative journal will have a positive affirmation to print and place inside your sketchbooks or somewhere in your studio. Saying words a loud is powerful and can begin to re-write some of our own limiting beliefs or calm our fears.
Each color palette included with your journal will help guide you through each creative lesson and exercise. Of course, you don’t have to adhere to this color palette, but you will see it reflected in the exercises and projects I share with you.
master artist guide
Every creative journal will focus on one master artist. Inside Issue No. 2, we explore Claude Monet.
When we first think of his works, images of waterlilies, pastel colors, flickering light and active brushstrokes fill our minds. While the Water Lilies may be his most famous series of work, these pieces also embody the essence of what Monet was relentlessly trying to capture in his art.
It’s this dedication that made him a master and through his devotion he nurtured his soul and let it overflow with creations. Let’s look at some of his pieces and admire how he painted these dreamy scenes of nature.
Sketchbook explorations
Every issue we focus on sketchbook explorations, providing a cohesive theme for us to focus on. This will help unify our explorations and simple place to start when approaching a VERY white and VERY blank sketchbook.
Our sketchbook theme for this creative journal is flowers. These symbols of life, growth and love need to remain ever present in our practice. Fill your pages with flowers!
We’ll explore…
Language of Flowers: Pick your favorite flower and sketch it. After you sketch your flower you may want to paint it. Go for it.
Georgia O’Keeffe Flower: Now go for a Georgia O’Keeffe approach to blooms. Zoom in on a bloom, fill your entire page and abstract its form.
The Inner Garden: Collage a photo of you OR a figure/face you enjoy OR sketch a figure/face to represent you. Create a beautiful garden all around you.
and more…
Podcast and Curated Inspiration
Looking for more inspiration and resources? One of my favorite things to do is curate inspiration. Your Studioworks Creative journal includes everything from Pinterest boards to books, resources, playlists and more – I love to share anything that might facilitate learning, expansion, and sparks of curiosity!
Plus, you’ll also get to enjoy the Studioworks creative journal podcast… included with every issue!
“Among the Flowers”
Every Studioworks Journal includes a wonderful creative lesson for you to explore with downloadable videos and resources.
The inspiration image really aligned with my feelings with Creative Journal No. 2 and I hope you resonate with it too. The idea of leaning into the blossoming beauty of our creativity captivated me.
Working first in black and white with charcoal was also such a great study in value and of course constructing a face and observing the light and dark is always a joy and such good practice! The soft addition of acrylic glazes of color was the finishing touch.
I hope you can join us!
Join Us Inside Issue No. 2
Only $47.00
{ LIFETIME ACCESS • creative guidance • inspiration • and more }
Anyone! Aligning yourself with your creativity and investing in your process will bring you so much joy! Having continual access these wonderful creative journals is just the ticket to stay inspired and continue learning and exploring.
Plus, you will be in a community of like minded artists where you can connect, share and grow together!
90+ CREATIVE CLASSES - 17 creative journals
Did you know your Studioworks membership unlocks full access to over 90+ creative classes and so much more? No more waitlists or wishing you could join a class.
Plus, you’ll receive unlimited access to every issue of the Studioworks Journal. Each month you will be supported in your creative journey through teachings I will be sharing with you inside. This specially crafted online magazine will be packed with inspiration, guidance, creative prompts and sketchbook explorations.