
Studioworks Creative Journal : Issue 1

Only $47.00


Your Online Creative Journal


Hello Creatives!

Welcome to Issue #1 of StudioWorks! Inside this issue, we have SO much to discuss, learn and delight over.

Each issue of this specially crafted online magazine is packed with inspiration, guidance, sketchbook explorations, creative prompts and MORE!

I have so much to share and I’m excited to go deeper with you. My ultimate hope is that every issue of the StudioWorks Journal feels like a treasure trove of inspiration and exploration. My desire to travel with you through these processes is paramount. I don’t want to just tell you about creativity – I want to eat, breath and live it out with you. Alongside you. Together, as an artistic community. 


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“Nature gets into our souls and opens doors to hidden parts of ourselves.”
— Pamela Heyda

Join Us Inside Issue No. 1

Only $47.00

{ LIFETIME ACCESS • creative guidance • inspiration • and more }

What's inside your Creative Journal?

Becoming an artisan

In this issue, we will be doing some important explorations! To begin, we will align ourselves with this journal’s theme – the concept of becoming an Artisan.

Artist + Craftsman = Artisan.  

How will we do this? We will discover how to implement or continue to expand our creative practice through loving discipline (yes I said the “d” word but we are going to redefine it!) We will embrace the important ritual of working in our sketchbooks and MOST vital we will embody and cherish PROCESS over PRODUCT.


power Word : Discipline

Yikes! That’s our power word for this issue!? I know, I know. It’s not a warm fuzzy word. It doesn’t have the sparkle of JOY and isn’t as trendy as WANDER BUT before you turn away, let’s just take a look at this tough, old word for a second. Let’s consider it’s origins…and no, it has nothing to do with workout routines, diets that exclude sugar or restricting your phone usage.


Affirmation and color palettes

Each creative journal will have a positive affirmation to print and place inside your sketchbooks or somewhere in your studio. Saying words a loud is powerful and can begin to re-write some of our own limiting beliefs or calm our fears.

Each color palette included with your journal will help guide you through each creative lesson and exercise. Of course, you don’t have to adhere to this color palette, but you will see it reflected in the exercises and projects I share with you.


Your Creative Guide


master artist guide

Every creative journal will focus on one master artist. Inside Issue No. 1, we explore Leonardo Davinci.

Okay, I know…he’s a tad intimidating right? I get it. Here’s the thing, don’t we want our role models, gurus, leaders, muses and guides to be a touch intimidating? I mean that’s why we look up to them because they’ve accomplished amazing things, executed incredible ideas, changed cultures, influenced movements and expanded minds! Yes! I think so.


Sketchbook explorations

Every issue we focus on sketchbook explorations, providing a cohesive theme for us to focus on. This will help unify our explorations and simple place to start when approaching a VERY white and VERY blank sketchbook.

So our sketchbook theme is the CIRCLE. Yup. A simple shape. Does this mean we are going to fill our pages with just circles? Yes….and no. Does this mean we have to stick with only circles? No certainly not, but it’s a place to start. It’s a doorway into our sketchbook practice.

We’ll explore…

  • Circle Themed Art: Its meanings and symbolism are seen in Art across every culture since the beginning of time.

  • Circle Scapes: Within these circles we’ll paint a tiny landscape, it can be realistic or very abstract.

  • Circle The Why: Discovering what we want from our art is very important and the answer will shift and change as we evolve in our practice.

  • Blind Circles: Using ink or watered down black paint, we’ll loosely let the brush repeat circle shapes. Do you see any forms you want to explore or build upon? A face? A cool shape? A figure?

  • and more…

Podcast and Curated Inspiration

Looking for more inspiration and resources? One of my favorite things to do is curate inspiration. Your Studioworks Creative journal includes everything from Pinterest boards to books, resources, playlists and more – I love to share anything that might facilitate learning, expansion, and sparks of curiosity!

Plus, you’ll also get to enjoy the Studioworks creative journal podcast… included with every issue!


Your Creative Journal Lesson


“Girl In The Moon”

Every Studioworks Journal includes a wonderful creative lesson for you to explore with downloadable videos and resources.

I have discovered that I am very drawn to the moon for this journal lesson. To me, the moon represents shifting, dark and light, balance and most strongly for me, self reflection. This symbol keeps presenting itself to me and I am seeing it appear in my art, so I decided I would love to share a Moon-themed art project with you.

I hope you can join us!


Join Us Inside Issue No. 1

Only $47.00

{ LIFETIME ACCESS • creative guidance • inspiration • and more }



Anyone! Aligning yourself with your creativity and investing in your process will bring you so much joy! Having continual access these wonderful creative journals is just the ticket to stay inspired and continue learning and exploring.

Plus, you will be in a community of like minded artists where you can connect, share and grow together!


Join us inside Studioworks!

90+ CREATIVE CLASSES - 17 creative journals


Did you know your Studioworks membership unlocks full access to over 90+ creative classes and so much more? No more waitlists or wishing you could join a class.

Plus, you’ll receive unlimited access to every issue of the Studioworks Journal. Each month you will be supported in your creative journey through teachings I will be sharing with you inside. This specially crafted online magazine will be packed with inspiration, guidance, creative prompts and sketchbook explorations.