
I'm so delighted to share one of my lessons from Let's Face It 2017 - a fabulous collaborative course on portraits!

This one came straight from my heart and I hope you enjoy watching this expressive, mixed media portrait evolve.

When I first selected this image, I was mostly intrigued by the hands, as for the rest....well...I wasn't sure how it would progress. I just had to begin and allow my soul to take the lead.

Working intuitively can feel scary but if we can quiet the inner critic and flow with our emotions and our materials, beautiful things can emerge. Allow yourself to light some candles, play your favorite moody music and then freely create without a goal or focused outcome.

Through this way of creating, we not only explore our mediums but we can discover new ways of expressing ourselves. So go on, make a mess, don't get attached and allow your emotions and intuition guide you.

I can't wait to see what you create!

Let's begin...


I truly hope you enjoyed that! Please let me know if you have questions and I would love to see what you create! If you aren't a member of my Facebook creative community then on over and come join us. It's the perfect place to share your art and be supported by fellow artists! 

Also, if you want to learn more about creating portraits and gain experience from an amazing team of artists, consider joining us for Let's Face It 2018! We would love to have you!

Thank you for creating with me today.

Much love and gratitude to you,



If you want to hone your portrait skills and learn from an amazing team of artists join us for Let's FAce IT 2018!

***Registration NOW OPEN***


30% OFF Your Next Class

As a special thank you for being a part of this international creative community, I would love to offer you 30% OFF our Select Online Art Classes!


Don't forget to share your ART too! Creativity is contagious! Come join in our vibrant Facebook community and connect with artists from all over the world!