
Welcome! I’ve created this special, FREE Inktober Lesson just for you!

I have never been one to do these kinds of challenges and to be honest, when I have tried I typically fail hard! LOL. For some reason, this one appears to be sticking...and here are the TOP 4 reasons why I think that’s happening:

  1. I’m working small and in a sketchbook.

    This allows me to have a small session of creating (2 hrs approx) so I can squeeze it into my life and working in a sketchbook makes it less precious.

  2. I’ve limited my supplies.

    This is a big one for me. I tend to overcomplicate my process at times and end up using waaaay too many mediums...which is fun but adds to the overall scope of the project. By having a very limited selection of mediums this helps streamline the creative process and reduces decision making.

  3. Someone else is telling me what to do!

    By following a word prompt, I don’t have to decide what the piece is going to be about. I have a word, I think of how I want to express that word and then off I go. Sometimes the blank page and endless options can lead me to overwhelm aka NOT making ART!

  4. I’m creating each piece with a similar style, similar mark-making, and line work.

    I’m approaching each piece with a similar style - this limits the decisions I need to make. It also allows me to create cohesion within this series of works.

These conclusions have helped me see how a daily practice can be more approachable and effective. I hope these concepts might spark some ideas for you too! 

Happy creating!



Here are a few of the pieces I’ve created so far…


I filmed the last one I did so you guys could see my process…


Supply List



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I truly hope you enjoyed that! Go ahead and give it a go! Please let me know if you have questions and I would love to see what you create inside our Facebook Community!


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Plus, each and every month you will be supported in your creative journey through teachings I will be sharing with you in the Studioworks Journal. This specially crafted online magazine is be packed with inspiration, guidance, sketchbook explorations, creative prompts and MORE!