Ivy Newport

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New Online Art Class - Lovely Dancer

Dearest blog readers, Happy Friday! How did you week go? I hope it was fantastic!

Today, I bring you exciting news that registration for my brand NEW online class just opened up! I am beyond delighted to share this with you.



Over the  past few months I have been studying Degas and honing my figure drawing skills. Degas' ballerinas proved to be the perfect muse! I've dedicated myself to sketching the human form daily and the work is so rewarding.



Here is the preview video for the class!

[vimeo 189089755 w=640 h=360]

In this very special class, you will not only learn about the wondrous world of Degas but you will gain new skills in figure drawing, composition and color theory, while expanding your pastel and mixed media expertise.

Whether you are a beginner or an seasoned artist, the techniques and style of Degas will inspire and delight you. His use of color is extraordinary and his meticulous dedication to his art is truly motivating. From my research, I have gleaned some exciting ways for us to study his work and put some of his methods into our own practice.

I would love to have you in class!

Have a beautiful weekend!

Much love and gratitude,
