Ivy Newport

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100 Faces

Hello there lovelies! How are you? Well...I gotta tell you...I'm absolutely loving Fall. I think it might be my favorite season. I've been cozying up in my home and creating A LOT of Art! I recently met a wonderful local artist via Instagram. We met for coffee at my favorite French cafe and we hit it off immediately. She's a total hoot and we got to geek out on all things Art. I even got to create together in her studio yesterday! Total bliss!

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She got me inspired to join a little Art movement called 100 Faces. Many artists have done this but the group I follow was started by Sharon Tomlinson. It's not really all that formal...just a general challenge to create 100 portraits- one a day. It seemed daunting but I decided I was up for it and started 10 days ago. Can I just tell you how amazing it has been?!

Finding time to truly practice Art is rather difficult for me with two little ones, a household to run and a hubby to keep happy but this wonderful commitment has already worked wonders for me. Will I actually get to 100? Who knows but I'm loving it right now so we'll just have to see.

There is a loving, vibrant and supportive community for this challenge online too - full of talented artists pushing themselves and inspiring us all. You can find this group via Facebook and Instagram (#onehundredfaces #onehundredfacestribe or #100faces). Looking back at my first ten - do I love them all? Nope. But - I can see my growth. I'm painting in water mixable oils and loving them. I am starting to see forms in faces that I had not noticed before and being able to translate those forms into dabs of paint in various values is a priceless skill.  One I hope to master some day. For now...I'll just take it a day at time.

Here are some of my favorites so far...

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Had to do a Frida she is my #9. I'm studying her in Jeanne Oliver's Studying under the Masters online class! Loving it!

Oh and this Nature nymph was created for Jeanne's other online class - Woodland girls. She was actually painted on a wood slice that I picked up at Michaels. Loved doing this one!

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If you are looking to improve your faces and enjoy a lively, helpful and inspiring online group of artists! I highly recommend taking up the challenge! It's free and it's fun! Let me know if you decide to start! I would love to follow your progress.

Much love to you all,


P.S. Quick reminder that my Mixed Media Workshop on December 6 is filling up! If you want to reserve your seat go here to register! It's gonna be a fun filled weekend! I'm opening up my home on Sunday morning too for an Open Studio session! Can't wait to create with some amazing souls!