Ivy Newport

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A Magical Garden

Hi friends! How's life? I hope all is well. We are preparing for our trip to Disneyland to celebrate Grace's 8th Birthday! She is beyond excited! Claire on the other hand, has decided that sleep is rather over rated and has nightly parties in her crib - laughing, talking and calling out to me. I'm exhausted, to say the least! I'll be glad when this little night owl phase passes. Anyway...A couple of weeks back we visited a magical place right here in Lake Oswego - The Elk Rock Gardens. It was a gorgeous Spring morning, so Grace and I headed over there to stroll the many paths that crisscross this enchanting place. I, of course, took a plethora of pictures, so I thought I would finally share them with you...

into the gardens

pink glow

forest child

flower in hand



little girl big trees




yellow blooms


What an amazing morning we had exploring this wonderful place! As Spring comes into full bloom, I encourage you to check out local gardens in your area! It's so easy to forget about these precious places and just get caught up in our day to day tasks. So much inspiration can be found in nature!

Have a beautiful rest of the week!

