Ivy Newport

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Little time, lots of inspiration.

Hello friends, I know I promised to share more art so here are some pics of what I've been creating lately. I'm on week 6 of my Jeanne Oliver online art course. Its been an incredible ride! So much to learn, so much to create and SO little time! I'm trying to be patient with life and accept that I can't paint all day while managing a household, two little kids and a very busy husband. Patience is not one my strengths.

I also have to really watch myself. You see, I get a little competitive. My fellow students are constantly posting all the beautiful art they are creating and I want to KEEP up...but alas, I simply cannot.  Luckily, we have access to the class for two years!

Here is a little Cézanne watercolor/charcoal study...this was a fun and relatively quick exercise. He was a genius at layering color with watercolors! Something, I've yet to master.

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Next, I attempted to paint one of Cézanne's favorite landscapes...Mont Sainte-Victoire. He painted this scene over 60 times! This was a tricky one. SO many colors but I really enjoyed the challenge.

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Here's a close up of my version.

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Painting Cézanne landscapes, inspired me to try one myself. Although, I'm not in love with this piece it was good for me to do something outside my comfort zone. This is an Irish landscape, depicting O'Brien's tower.

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Then we went on to study Botticelli. I have not done my painting yet but I loved sketching from his work. His faces are brilliant and so beautiful.

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Okay, and lastly, I wanted to recommend this book to all those creative Mama's out there! I kinda horde art books but this one is my favorites right now. It gives me hope that if I plan a little better, I can find more time for my art and not neglect my kids!

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Alright...well I best be going. I hear little Claire bear waking from her nap. Back on the job! ;)

Hope all is well in your world. Try and take time for yourself to create, read, cook or whatever makes you happy - you won't regret you did! Also, I would love to know any tips on carving out this time - since I'm kinda struggling! Let me know what works for you!

Much love,
