Ivy Newport

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Dear Me...

Hi friends! Oooh baby it's cold outside! At least for us Portlanders. I am actually loving the crystal clear sunshine and frost laden mornings. It's like the very air shimmers with ice. So magical. I am praying for some snow! Thank you all for your beautiful, kind and thought provoking comments you left on my last post. I deeply appreciate you sharing.

Yesterday and today, I have chosen to put my household chores aside and focus on my art. Every time I do this, I am amazed at the incredibly comforting and joyous feelings it brings. I light my favorite candle, put on Pandora and just let myself escape into my creativity.

Today, was very introspective. I am still completing my Brené Brown homework - one exercise was to find photos of ourselves at different times in our lives and then write a message to "that" girl with the knowledge you have now. I chose my wedding day.

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What would you write to yourself now, looking back on those times when you were about to embark on a new journey? So young. So naive. Clueless. Unaware of all the challenges and joys that lay ahead. Blind to the outcomes.

I found this quite emotional and also very healing. It made my appreciate the trials I have been through. It made me glad for the hard days. The pain. The failures. The wrong thinking. It made me have gratitude for the wisdom I've gained and for the baggage that was sloughed off as I tumbled through my twenties, like a pebble in the tide. It was powerful to stand solidly on the shore and look back on those turbulent waters of my past.

Try this with a picture of yourself. It doesn't have to be an art project - just go for it. See what comes up. Be gentle with yourself. This exercise is meant to promote self-compassion so don't go yelling at yourself in a picture at some frat party, drunk or scold yourself for wearing that God awful outfit from the 80's or for not losing the baby fat. :) Write to yourself with love, with empathy, with kindness. Give yourself a mental hug. "That" girl in your picture probably really needed it.



P.S. For those of you who wanted to take the Brené Brown class but thought they had missed it - they are repeating the first part so you can still sign up! I just signed up for Part 2! ;)