Ivy Newport

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Inspiration Vintage Magazine

Hello all! How's your Monday going? We are getting crazy wind and rain here! So, I've been puttering around the house, cleaning, reading and avoiding my artwork. I decided I needed a little space from it all. I must give a huge "THANK YOU" to you sweet readers that left such encouraging and understanding comments. Your words truly touched me and were extremely comforting!

A beautiful and exciting distraction came along last week:  the latest issue of Inspiration Vintage magazine, which I had the honor of contributing to! This issue is bursting with stunning pictures, delicious recipes and loads of vintage beauty! Check it out here.

My article is about my love of vintage ephemera, antique books and French perfume labels! I had a blast photographing some of my pretty old things.  Of course, not all of the images made the cut but I thought I would share them with you...


oldbookwithrose5    oldbookwithrose1

lavender books3

lavender books2

lavender books

french postcards5

french postcards4

french postcards1

french labels3

apothecary bottle with label

zinc tin

zinc tin3

Thank you again for all your support! I promise more art is to come. I hope you all have a wonderful, inspiring week.

