Ivy Newport

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I'm dreaming of...

Hi there. How's life treating you? We are back into the swing of school around here and I'm trying to get organized and make the most of each day. Not easy. I often find myself being pulled in so many directions that I get overwhelmed. So, I retreat into my own little daydreams. Highly productive. Not. We have been renting a beautiful home in a fabulous neighborhood but it's been three years and I'm getting itchy feet! Growing up, I lived in 10 different houses and two countries (the U.S. & Australia). When Chris and I got together, we moved 5 times in 4 years. Finally, we settled in Portland and have lived here for almost 11 years. No wonder I'm getting wanderlust!

Moving is in my blood and I'm totally dreaming of us buying a large piece of land and building a sweet farmhouse. I want a big porch, an old barn for my art studio, chickens (why not?) and a large, white kitchen, where I would bake bread and make delicious meals. Realistic? Probably not, I don't even bake - but wow, does it sound good to me right now. I'm being drawn to wide open spaces, quiet, solitude, a slower pace. A place to focus and create. Sometimes life just feels so noisy. Know what I mean?

So in my procrastination, I pulled my favorite farmhouse images from my Pinterest board to share my vision with you...












Okay...I think I got that out of my system. Now back to the laundry...ugh.

Have a beautiful afternoon.



* For sources and more dreamy Farmhouse images see my Pinterest board.*