Ivy Newport

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Still life: Color Study

Hello. How has your week been so far? I'm not sure if it's the shifting of seasons or just all the changes happening right now but I'm feeling a bit out of alignment, emotionally that is. Restless, impatient, moody, unsure...ugh I'm a bit of a mess. I'm trying to find resolve in some self-reflection but as many of you know - finding quiet time when you are at home with kids is rather scarce. However, with Chris traveling this week, I hope to spend some evenings painting. That usually does the trick and calms my spirit. We'll see... Anyway, wanted to share a still life/color study project I shot a little while ago. I find that most of my photo shoots just happen. One minute I'm cleaning my studio and the next, I'm arranging objects and snapping pictures. It always surprises me but the happenstance nature of it kinda works for me. This tiny rose was the catalyst.

color study

Seeing color connections makes me happy and this vintage tin set the pretty palette.

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Try doing this with pretty items around your home. It's a great way to practice your photo and styling skills plus if your eye loves color like mine does, you will find this simple exercise very rewarding.

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Flowers always seem to inspire me. Thank you little rose!

Hope you all are having a lovely week.



P.S. To further facilitate my self-reflection I'm considering getting "The Desire Map" by Danielle LaPorte. Anyone checked this out yet? Looks seriously good. (I'm not the best with maps but one navigated by desire sounds right up my alley.)