Ivy Newport

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Tea obsession & Tabitha Emma

Today I felt so restless. Do you ever get that? Where you just can't sit down and focus...so annoying! Finally, I decided that a trip to the book store and a cup of tea might soothe my nerves. So off I went, grabbed a stack of inspiring mags and headed home for a cuppa. While sifting through the gorgeous pages of Somerset Studio and sipping some steaming Chamomile tea, I figured I had better find the perfect tea pot to go with my lovely new tea cup. I headed to Etsy to begin the search...

I have yet to find the "one", but I did stumbled upon a fabulous Aussie artist, Tabitha Emma, who seems to love tea as much as me. Aren't these sweet? I just ordered the print below. Couldn't resist.

And of course, any good tea party has lovely treats to go with it...

Once I find my teapot...I think I will have to get this cozy for it. Tabitha makes adorable fabric creations too!

And Grace...well, she desperately wants this cake purse! Every girl needs a cake purse right? She cracks me up.

Check out Tabitha's gorgeous Etsy store and blog for more of her beautiful work! Aussie's rock, don't they? Speaking of Aussie's, tomorrow we are headed to my home town - Sydney for our Friday Escape! woo!


p.s. If anyone knows where I can hunt for vintage tea pots online let me know!