Ivy Newport

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A is for Aloe

Today's herb of the day is the African healing succulent, Aloe.

Aloe has been used for thousands of years. In fact, the great Greek historian, Dioscorides has noted its use on wounds, burns, blemishes and even as an treatment for hair loss. Apothecaries often prescribed it to be taken internally for stomach disorders, constipation, insomnia, hemorrhoids, headaches, mouth diseases and to aid kidney function.

Today, we know that Aloe is still used for some of these ailments. It's an especially powerful ingredient to add to creams and lotions, for it's healing properties on the skin are unrivaled. You will find it a key component to many of our products.

However, the most effective way to use aloe gel is to get it directly from the plant. Break off a leaf, slice it down the middle and apply the gel to the skin. It can do wonders for a burn or an unfortunate case of poison ivy.  So do yourself a favor and put a potted aloe in your windowsill.